A few weeks back, I introduced our new AI meal plan generator, The Slokie Chef, which fuses optimization algorithms with ChatGPT to create a day's worth of balanced meals using the FDA's nutrition database. At launch, users could both search through and filter existing ingredient combinations to find ones that meet their specific nutritional requirements as well as select a list of ingredients they wanted to use and it would search through its list of existing plans to find those with the most matches. But there are an unfathomably large number of combinations of so many ingredients, so the chances of such a combination already existing were rather small. One or two matches might exist in a given result.
Today, however, we've added the ability to generate and optimize new combinations on the fly. This is a very experimental feature that's somewhat resource intensive, so to use it you need to verify you're a real human by signing up for a free account on our site. The app is embedded within our online Shopify store, so we're using the Shopify user credential system (at least for now), which is somewhat clunky in that after you sign up, you'll have to click the link in the banner to return to our store and come back to the Slokie Chef page. But once you're signed in, you can use this new feature for free.
And it's pretty fun! Experiment around with some of your favorite ingredients and see what you can come up with.
Look for more improvements both to the Slokie Chef, as well as our customized children's books in the coming weeks. We've got of them coming. Personally, I've been working hard to create a new tool for our kids' books that will let users upload a single image without having to worry about any of our existing requirements in order to generate one of our books. I've also been working on building out the Slokie Chef with the ability to design a meal plan around a single specific "vice" food, like cheeseburgers or candy so you can find a way to indulge a bit without completely throwing in the towel.
Make sure you sign up for an account today to stay informed of our latest developments.